401k Fiduciary Fitness Plan

Our proprietary 401(k) Fiduciary Fitness Plan ™ is designed to help our clients achieve simplicity, confidence, and protection when offering a retirement plan for themselves and their employees. It’s designed to meet your goals and provide a benefit to your employees in helping them to retire with less risk to yourself and your business in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Fiduciary Protection

Protecting your business, yourself, your family, and your personal assets is of our utmost concern and is the basis for all of our advice. As an employer and the sponsor of the plan, you are a fiduciary and ERISA sets forth five core duties for plan fiduciaries: Duty of Loyalty – Act solely in the interest of plan participants and beneficiaries

  • Duty of Care – Evaluate the reasonableness of fees and charges paid by the plan
  • Duty of Prudence – Supply a range of investments that allows for adequate diversification
  • Duty of Diligence – Administer the plan in accordance with the plan documents & instruments
  • Duty of Skill – Manage the plan and its investments in the same manner as “an expert.”

Here is where our Team at EGSI Financial comes in, creating a web-based service bureau that bridges this gap by providing remote investment monitoring, reporting, and management services. We further protect you from potential liability with professional errors & omissions insurance policies and an ERISA Fiduciary Bond so as not to leave yourself exposed. We also serve as an ERISA Fiduciary, serving as either an ERISA 3(21) or ERISA 3(38) fiduciary, giving you the ability to rely on us and our advice as to your fiduciary for your plan, documentation, investments, and fees since we adhere to the same duty of care as you are held to by ensuring everything is documented, thereby meeting DOL compliance and regulations:

  • Plan Governance Documents
  • Compliance, Fee & Expense Analysis
  • Quarterly Fiduciary Review
  • Ongoing Tracking & Monitoring

Selecting the right investments options for your plan is part of your fiduciary responsibility as the employer. This is why our EGSI Team, by offering to serve as either your ERISA 3(21) or ERISA 3(38) fiduciary, can mitigate or alleviate this responsibility on your behalf.

Once the investment options have been selected, our EGSI team performs the ongoing benchmarking, tracking, and monitoring to ensure that you are meeting the requirements of the DOL. We provide you with a quarterly analysis, benchmarking, and investment selection based upon your Investment Policy Statement that we help you design and implement as part of our process. Our team at EGSI is Accredited Investment Fiduciaries © (AIF©) to ensure this process is being held to the highest standards.

  • Serve as a 3(21) or 3(38) Fiduciary
  • Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
  • Investment Search & Selection Due Diligence
  • Quarterly Performance Reporting & Review
  • Ongoing Investment Selection & Benchmarking

Investment Benchmarking & Selection

Vendor Selection

At EGSI Financial, transparency is of the utmost importance to us. When it comes to being your 401(k) provider, we continually review the fees that your 401(k) vendor is charging you so that we can ensure you are receiving the best services at the best price.

  • Total Cost Analysis
  • Recordkeeping & TPA Cost analysis
  • Maximizing Negotiation Leverage
  • Plan Transition Support

One of the biggest challenges business owners, as well as employees face, is saving for retirement. Our proprietary process, 401(k) Fiduciary Fitness Plan™ provides the ability to design a plan that meets the needs and goals of all plan participants in helping them save for retirement. Having the proper plan design can allow for maximum contributions while keeping the overall costs low thereby making the plan as efficient as possible.

  • Total Cost Analysis
  • Employer Match Optimization
  • Plan Design Optimization
  • Auto-Enrollment & Escalation

Plan Optimization & Design

Employee Education & Enrollment

We will schedule annual or semi-annual meetings, depending on your needs, to educate your employees both in a group and on a one-on-one basis to go over how the plan works and answer any questions they may have about their specific 401(k). In addition, as part of our service, your employees can go through our trademarked process, The Retirement Fitness Plan™ which provides them with a written plan and step-by-step process on how we can help them achieve their personal financial goals at no additional cost.

  • Semi-Annual Employee Meetings
  • Investment Selection Advice
  • Personal Financial Advice
  • Personal Financial Plan